![]() I always seem to be starting off my blogs in the same way; by saying that the time seems to be flying past! But it really is!! It's been a really busy couple of months as the Fair season has kicked off, and I've also been busy printing and making. I'll put a quick round up below of what's been going on and also what is coming up..... for those of you that receive my newsletter (you can sign up on my homepage if you wish) you'll notice that it's a similar format but with added information and more pictures - including my newest print - bit of a giveaway withe the picture up here! Festivals and Fairs: It's been a great start to the 'festival and fair season' and "hello" to folks I have met through being at either The Herbert Art Gallery Spring Makes Fair, The Bird and Wildlife Fair at Focus Optics or the Earlsdon Festival! The Wildlife Fair at Focus Optics was spectacularly windy - we borrowed a marquee from Stoneleigh Male Voice Choir (my Dad is a member) and we had a few hairy moments as it threatened to fly! Eventually we managed to move sites and it calmed down a little! It was a good day though, and fabulous to get time to go on a walk round the reserve with Simon King too. I didn't have to explain what my birds were to the people at the fair either! I'm glad they recognised them - always a good sign! Earlsdon Festival was excellent - fortunately it was cooler than last year and we met lots of folks. I've had some new cards for sale this year - a new linocut card of a Long Tailed Tit, and new cards printed from my drawings - of a mouse and a frog, and it was lovely to see how well received they were. They'll be making their way in to my online store soon. I've put a few pictures below, including one with my fabulous Mum and Dad on the stall at the end - they are always out and about helping me at fairs and functions. and it is really appreciated! You'll notice I'm in my big winter coat for both fairs too! Next up is Discover Gather Give at Stratford Town Hall on the 1st and 2nd June, with the Private View on Friday 31st May. If you would like an invite to the PV, please let me know and I will forward one on to you, or you can contact Judith, the curator of the event at: [email protected] and let her know that you wish to attend. There are around 40 artists exhibiting at the Town Hall - there was a fabulous vibe there in November, and I am sure it will be just as amazing again! Please look out for the signs as you are travelling around..... you might recognise one of the birds on the banners..... Yes, it's Jack Puffin! Very proud!! Please click on the link or banner below for more information. www.discovergathergive.co.uk Following closely on DGG's heels is Warwickshire Open Studios. This runs from 15th - 30th June, and this year I am at a new venue in Princethorpe called 'Artists at the Sheep Dip'. This is a wonderful venue, and I am lucky to be there along with four other artists; Dee Luntley (whose wonderful studio it is) watercolour and acrylic paintings, Jo Ricketts - glass sculptural pieces, David Sheperdson - artisan pen-maker and Iris Eisenhart - ceramacist. We are open from 15th June to 30th June: Friday - Monday 11am - 4.30pm and Thursday 2pm -7 pm There is also a special Charity Concert in aid of Leamington Weekend Shelter on the evening of 15th June from 6pm - 10pm. You can find out more information about us and where to find us on our website which is at: www.sheepdipart.weebly.com We are part of the Art on the Fosse Trail too - there are 19 artists along the trail who you can visit. You can find more information at www.artonthefosse.weebly.com Plus, there's always the Warwickshire Open Studios booklets - if you would like one, please let me know, I have quite a few!! If you turn the booklet over you'll find Pink Dodo on the back too, which was a wonderful surprise! We are venue 121 in the booklet. More information about Warwickshire Open Studios can be found at: www.wostudios.org Our venue and artist page can be found at: https://www.warwickshireopenstudios.org/summer/2019/alix-almond on which you can find links to the other artists at The Sheep Dip too. Workshops: I've been running workshops at Bonds Lifestyle in Stratford-upon-Avon and also at The Farthing Gallery in Kenilworth, including a reduction linocut workshop. It has been great to introduce people to the wonders of linocut, and I have been so happy with the results of the participants - there are some very talented people out there. The days have been happy and relaxed, and great to share the time with like-minded people! There are a couple more dates coming up, and I will update you as more are added! Bonds Lifestyle (you can book places through my website). Saturday 13th July - 2 places left Saturday 14th September - 3 places left There's also a new workshop which is about to be added at Brandon Marsh Nature Centre, which is being run through Warwickshire Wildlife Trust - you heard it here first - it literally is breaking news! This will be on Sunday 25th August - more details will be added to the website soon. I am also really proud to receive a Silver Students' Award from Craft Courses where I also promote my workshops for the excellent reviews I have received. This really does make me happy! You can have a read of them HERE. Here's a few photos from my workshops at Bonds and The Farthing Workshop: Which leads me on nicely to.....
Japanese Vinyl Quite a few folk have asked about buying the Japanese Vinyl we use at the workshops, as it is quite heavy and comes with a hefty postage fee attached to it from the usual supplier; so I have bought a 'weight' of it (not sure how else to describe it!), which is now available to buy via my website. I have some sheets of 15cm x 20cm. I can either deliver your order to The Farthing Gallery for you to collect, or there is a separate shipping section for vinyl listed on the shipping options (no trying to sneak it through as a greetings card!!!) I think that has probably got long enough now! Finally I'll leave you with a quick sneak peek of my newest Owl linocut - which is a two layer print - there will hopefully be a blog soon - which should be all ready for Discover Gather Give at the end of May. Just to remind you, you can always keep an eye out for more regular updates on social media; I'm on instagram and twitter as @alixalmond and on facebook as @AlixAlmondArt (links to all of these are on the 'Welcome' page). Looking forward to seeing some of you at the different summer events that are lined up - and hope that the sun shines on us all!! Alix x
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